General Information

Journal "Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology" is a scientific periodical. Exists since 2005. The frequency of publication is 4 times a year.

Short title: Izv. Sarat. Univ. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 2541-8971 (online)

ISSN1816-9775 (print)


The founder and the publisher of the journal is the Saratov State University.

The journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).

Registration PI № FS77-76649 of 26 August, 2019.


The journal subscription index is 36013. The subscription is available in online catalogues "Russian Press” (, "Press by Subscription" ( and Ural-Press Group of  Companies ( The price is not fixed.

Aims @ Scope. The main aim of the journal is reflection of modern trends in the complex development of chemistry, ecology and biology, their interpenetration and joint development. The journal publishes the results of original research, short messages on current topics, reviews and mini reviews

The objectives of the journal:

  • familiarization of the Russian and international scientific community with priority fundamental works, as well as works of a practical orientation;
  • presentation of methodological and practical works in modern breakthrough areas of research;
  • creation of an information environment for the development of innovative areas of science, a platform for testing the results of young scientists and scientific schools.

The Journal is intended for researchers, teachers and postgraduate students.

Languages of publications - Russian, English.

Previously published materials and materials submitted for publication in other journals will not be accepted.

Articles should be in agreement with Notes for Authors of the journal.

The manuscripts received by the editorial office are reviewed (see Manuscripts Review Procedure), then the editorial board takes the decision on the publication of the article in the journal.

The journal is included in the list of leading refereed scientific journals and issues recommended for the publication of the main results of research papers (The List of refereed scientific journals of 01.12.2015).

The journal’s sections correspond to the Catalogue of scientific areas of academic degrees:
03.01.00 - physico-chemical biology;
03.02.00 - general biology;
03.03.00 - physiology;
02.00.00 - chemical sciences.
From 26.03.2019 the list of specialties is as follows:
02.00.02 - Analytical chemistry
02.00.03 - Organic chemistry
02.00.04 - Physical chemistry
03.01.02 - Biophysics (Biological sciences)
03.02.01 - Botany
03.02.04 - Zoology
03.02.05 - Entomology
03.02.08 - Ecology (Biological sciences)


Electronic version of the Journal is Open Access.

All the content is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)

Digital archiving policy. The data storage policy is aimed at preservation, usability and accessibility to the journal content (journal and article metadata, full texts).  Full-text electronic version is available on the Journal site; in the Scientific e-libraries of the Russian Federation eLIBRARY, "Cyberleninka", on EBSCO Publishing platform. 

Self-archiving. Authors are allowed to archive preprints and postprints of their works. After publication, the authors may place their works on the Internet (for example, in the repository of a working organization or a personal website).

In order to respect the rights and responsibilities of authors and Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky involved in the publication of scientific articles in the journal “Izvestiya of Saratov University” the authors and the publisher of the journal make a duty to enter into “The license agreement for the right to use scientific work".