
Professor A. A. Richter scientific and pedagogical activity in Saratov (150th anniversary of Academician Andrey Alexandrovich Richter)

The year of 2021 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Andrey Alexandrovich Richter, a prominent scientist, botanist and plant physiologist (August 15, 1871), who worked for a number of years at Saratov University (1924–1931), then moved on to the Academy of Sciences (Corresponding Member in 1929, Member since 1932). He was the organizer and the fi rst director of the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Academy of Sciences (IPR RAS). A. A. Richter is a well-known fi gure in Russian university education, who began his road in science at St. Petersburg University as a student of A. S.

Science is the highest pilotage of intuition at the junction of art and logic: dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Anischenko Tatiana Grigorievna

The article is dedicated to the blessed memory of Tatyana Grigorievna Anishchenko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, who used to hold the position of head of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of the Biological Faculty of the Saratov State University from 1995 to 2015. This is a look back at the memories of some of her students and a message for new generations about great prospects in obtaining a golden ticket to life and the wonderful world of science.

Early start and short life of an entomologist (110th Anniversary of Andrey Andreevich Richter)

At the end of 2019 an old collection of insects was found in the Zoological Museum of Saratov State University. It was collected in the vicinity of Saratov, in the Lower Volga region, as well as in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, by young Andrey A. Richter while he was studying at school and Saratov University (1926–1930). The collection (185 specimens) was not processed, with most insects left unidentified. Nevertheless, it has been well preserved. Its examination has already produced first results important for better understanding of A. A. Richter biography.

Юбилей Светланы Петровны Муштаковой

Светлана Петровна Муштакова – доктор химических наук, профессор, заслуженный работник высшей школы Российской Федерации, заведующий кафедрой общей и неорганической химии с 1988 по 2017 г., проректор по учебной работе Саратовского государственного университета имени Н. Г. Чернышевского с 1996 по 2003 г. Светлана Петровна – известный в широких кругах российской научной общественности ученый-аналитик, активно работающий в области разработки спектроскопических методов анализа с использованием методов компьютерного прогнозирования свойств и многомерных методов обработки данных.

Anniversary of Elena Grigoryevna Kulapina

Elena G. Kulapina — Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Ecology of Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky (SSU). Elena Grigoryevna is a well-known scientist and analyst, who is actively working in the field of scientific developments and the practical application of potentiometric sensors in the analysis of organic compounds.

The Centennial of Sofya Borisovna Pirkes

The article provides a short biographic excourse and description of scientific and academic achievements of Sofya Borisovna Pirkes, the former associate professor of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Institute of Chemistry of Saratov State University.

Anniversary of Shtykov Sergey Nikolaevich

The article is dedicated to the anniversary of Shtykov Sergey Nikolaevich.