Yudakova Olga Ivanovna
RussiaSaratovSaratov State University , 83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russia профессордоктор биологических наукyudakovaoi@info.sgu.ru
Author's articles
- Новые экологически ориентированные профили направления подготовки бакалавриата «Биология»
- Реализация предпосылок к полиэмбрионии у апомиктичных видов мятликов
- Breaking Physical Dormancy of the Laburnum anagyroides Seeds by in vivo and in vitro Conditions
- Saratov Scientific School by the Problems of Biology and Genetics of Plant Reproduction Systems: Achievements and Perspectives
- Introduction to Culture in vitro of Corn Parthenogenetic Lines
- Induction of Direct Organogenesis in the Culture of Mature Embryo in Maize
- Embryological Features of Laburnum anagyroides Medik.
- Hormonal Regulation of Morphogenesis in the Culture of Mature Embryo in the Maize Parthenogenetic Line АТТМ (bm, wx, y)
- The Poa bulbosa L. Reproductive Strategy in the Steppe Phytocenoses of the Lower Volga Region
- 90 years of the Biology Faculty of the Saratov State University
- Diagnostics of Seed Reproduction Mode in Some Species Calamagrostis Adans. from Flora of Peninsula Kamchatska
- Evolutionary role of apomixis: S. S. Khokhlov’s hypothesis in the light of modern data