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Andreev D. N., Buzmakov S. A., Demakov V. A., Farofonova V. V., Egorova D. О. Community of the Aerobic Bacteria-destructors of DDT as a Result of Natural and Artificial Selection. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 79-86. DOI:
Community of the Aerobic Bacteria-destructors of DDT as a Result of Natural and Artificial Selection
For 40 years the soil microflora of the Landscape Reserve «Osinsk Forest Summer House» (Perm region, Russia) was exposed to high concentrations of DDT. Soil from the blocks 11 and 32 were selected and used in the process of artificial selection of aerobic bacterial communities capable of degrading DDT. Selection was carried out in the laboratory in four stages. As a result, successional changes were recorded, accompanied by reduction in the number and diversity of morphological types of bacterial strains in microbial communities. Analysis of 16S rRNA showed the presence of representatives of the genera Bosea, Chryseobacterium, Cupriavidus, Kocuria, Meso- rhizobium, Sphingobium, Terrabacter. Communities, developed due to selection, were able to effectively degrade DDT – 89–100% over 10 months at an initial concentration of pollutant – 160 mg/l.
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