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Kukhta А. Е., Moskvitin S. S., Bolshakova N. P., Chapkina Т. V. The Influence of Roof Space Arrangement on Rock Pigeon` Penetration Level (Columba livia Gmelin, 1789). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 4, pp. 438-445. DOI:

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The Influence of Roof Space Arrangement on Rock Pigeon` Penetration Level (Columba livia Gmelin, 1789)


The statistics of correlation of rock pigeon occurrence depending on its construction in the roof rooms were presented (Columba Livia Gmelin, 1789). The relevance of the study conditioned by the need of some anthropogenic objects protection (monuments, granaries, airports) against birds particularly from rock pigeon which forms numerous flocks near the points of residence. The problem of bird hazard is particularly topical for airports where the pigeon is one of the most dangerous for the aircraft. The research of pigeons` reaction on living environment let us control the number of colonies of these birds on anthropogenic objects. In the course of studies 1478 birds were analyzed, 83 roof rooms were inspected, their impurity content and temperature conditions in winter were evaluated. According to the results of the study it was identified that the size of rock pigeon` grouping is directly proportional to the open roof windows while open roof windows in winter can cause bird kill from frost. The rock pigeon prefers to live in lofts with a wooden frame which is actively used as a roost site. The impurity content of the loft as well as the presence of heat-insulating underlay play an important role which provide nesting shelter for pigeons. Analysis up to 257 pigeons who died in lofts allow for the conclusion that up to 30% of lifeless had signs of the disease, 64% died in winter from hypothermia, 6% as a result of the birds of prey` attacks which hunt inside the lofts. According to the results of the study it was established that low lofts without a wooden frame are irrelevant for pigeon (10.1% of occurrence). The most attractive for the pigeon are high gable roofs with a wooden frame. The dependence between the number of pigeon colony and the quantity of open roof windows has been revealed (Rs = 0.59, p <0.05). It is established that the pigeon does not nest under the leads without underlay. The identified factors can be used to control the size of pigeon colony.

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