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Gergiya L. G., Aiba E. A., Abramova L. M., Mustafina A. N. Some Features of the Biology of Invasive Species Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. in the Abkhazia Republic . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 332-338. DOI:

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Some Features of the Biology of Invasive Species Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. in the Abkhazia Republic

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The invasion of aggressive adventive plants in the territory of the Abkhazia Republic has a significant impact on the loss of biodiversity and the imbalance of ecosystems. In this regard, monitoring of the invasive component of flora is an urgent task. The aim of work was to study the biological features of invasive species Conyza canadensis under the conditions of Abkhazia. The research objectives included the study of morphometric parameters of the species and their variability. The works were carried out in 2016–2019 in the coastal zone of the Black Sea in 7 districts of Abkhazia (Gagra, Goodauta, Sukhum, Gulrypsh, Ochamchir, Tkvarchal, Gals). Parameter measurements were performed on 25 plants in each coenopopulation. For C. canadensis, a normal level of parameter variation (Cv – 7,4–30,9%) was revealed. The maximum values for individual parameters are noted in populations of the Galsky district. The high seed productivity and ecological plasticity of C. canadensis leads to the expansion of the distribution range in the territory of Abkhazia, as a result of which it becomes an evil weed of plantations of subtropical and row crops.

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