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Blagovetshenskiy I. V. Vegetation of the Bog Brekhovo (Ulyanovsk Region). Recommendations for Regime Security and Use. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 454-464. DOI:
Vegetation of the Bog Brekhovo (Ulyanovsk Region). Recommendations for Regime Security and Use
The Brechovo mire is a natural monument of the Ulyanovsk region, it is a stratigraphic standard of the Holocene period, the place where rare and medicinal plant species grow and has significant reserves of a valuable natural resource – peat. Currently, it is exposed to a number of anthropogenic factors, which causes concern for the safety of its natural complexes. The article is based on the description of trial plots (total 96 descriptions). Field geobotanical studies (area descriptions and geobotanical mapping) were carried out according to generally accepted methods. For the classification of vegetation, the ecological-floral approach of Brown-Blanke was applied. It is established that the vegetation of the Brechovo swamp is represented by 10 associations: Frangulo-Salicetum cinereae Malcuit 1929; Phragmitetum australis Koch 1926; Caricetum ripariae Soó 1928 em. Knapp et Staff. 1962; Caricetum atheroidis (Prokopjev 1990) Taran 1995; Caricetum atheroidis (Prokopjev 1990) Taran 1995; Carici cespitosae-Deschampsietum cespitosae Mirkin in Denisova et al. 1986; Carici vulpinae-Deschampsietum cespitosae Mirkin ex Grigorjev et al. 2002; Polemonio caeruleae-Caricetum cespitosae Grigorjev et al. 2002; Caricetum acutiformis Sauer 1937; Lysimachio vulgaris-Filipenduletum ulmariae Bal.-Tul. 1978. The native vegetation has been preserved only on the part of the Brechovo swamp territory, and many plant communities have a secondary character, so the syntaxonomic structure is very diverse. In a number of communities, valuable resources of valuable medicinal plants are significant.
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