Cite this article as:
Shakina T. N. To the Question of the Suitability of Soils Territory the Educational Centre «Botanical Garden» of Saratov State University for Growing Hybrid Gladiolus. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 1, pp. 74-76. DOI:
To the Question of the Suitability of Soils Territory the Educational Centre «Botanical Garden» of Saratov State University for Growing Hybrid Gladiolus
The hybrid gladiolus occupies one of the leading places among the huge number of perennial plants thanks to its decorative qualities and the timing of flowering. In order to select a site for the cultivation of gladiolus it is necessary to consider its requirements for agrochemical soil condition. The analysis was made of the soil territory the Educational Centre «Botanical Garden» of Saratov State University, which is used for the cultivation of corms gladioli. Necessary measure agrochemicals have been considered, in order to successfully cultivate gladioli in a botanical garden.
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