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Boldyrev V. A. 110 years of Botanical Department of Saratov State University. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 242-248. DOI:
110 years of Botanical Department of Saratov State University
The article provides information about the history of the Botanical Department, which was opened simultaneously with the foundation of the Saratov University in 1909. The role of such heads of Department as A. A. Gordyagin, A. M. Levshin, D. E. Yanishevsky, A. D. Fursaev, N. P. Avdulov, A. A. Chiguryaeva, T. P. Ryabova, A. O. Tarasov, V. A. Boldyrev in the development of the Department and scientific research is highlighted. The role of the Department’s employees in the formation of the herbarium of SSU is observed. Current status and importance of the herbarium of SSU (SARAT) in the scientific and educational work of the Department are noticed. The modern staff of the Department is characterized. The main scientific achievements of the Department staff in scientific and educational activities are shown. The role of the Department staff in the training of highly qualified specialists for the Saratov University and other scientific and educational institutions of Russia is reflected. The main scientific directions developed at the Department such as floristics, lichenology, herbarium, plant morphology and anatomy, plant ecology, soil seed banks, plant protection, plant populations, phytocenology, vegetation protection, biological diversity, structure and functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, development of interactive teaching methods are presented.
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