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Minjal М. S., Kasatkin M. Y., Boldyrev V. A. Anatomical Structure of Seed which Belong to Iris L. Species of Saratov Flora . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp. 312-321. DOI:

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Anatomical Structure of Seed which Belong to Iris L. Species of Saratov Flora


In the Saratov region all species of Iris are listed in the regional Red Book, with this connection, to preserve these plants, it is necessary to introduce them in an extensive researches, protection and establishing them in the literature. special interest is the study of seeds due to the direct relation with the potential possibility of generative propagation of Iris species, the article presents the results of an anatomical study of the seeds of seven species which belong to Iris L. in Saratov region flora. Using paraffin method with modification of time and concentration of solutions, sections were stained by safranin – fast green dyes. The main objective of the study is to determine the precise anatomical structure of seed of the species: Iris aphylla L., I. halophila Pall., I. pineticola Klokov, I. pseudacorus L. I. pumila L., I. sibirica L., I. tenuifolia Pall. Photos of longitudinal and cross sections were provided. shape of sections were described, the structure of the micropylar and chalazal parts, seed coat, endosperm, embryo and the cell forms of all elements of the seed. Seed coat, as a rule, consists of tests of three-layer (external epidermis (exotesta), mesotesta, endotesta (internal epidermis)) and two-layer of tegmen (outer and inner layers). The complex of anatomical features of the seeds of each of the studied species of Iris is species-specific and can be used to solve taxonomic problems of these plants.


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