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Glinskaya E. V., Anikin V. V., Verkhovsky R. A. Biological Properties of Bacteria – Assiociants Aphis Pomi Degeer, 1773. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 48-51. DOI:
Biological Properties of Bacteria – Assiociants Aphis Pomi Degeer, 1773
The biological features of associative microorganisms Aphis pomi in the Saratov Region were studied. 12 species of bacteria from 2 genera were isolated. 94.2% of the species are able to use glucose; 76.5% – saccharose. Alkaline pH is preferred 100% of the isolates. Bacillus funiculus, B. clausii, B. oleronius, B. soli have pectinase activity, 83% of the species have the enzyme nitrogenase, 58% of species are capable to recove cellulose.
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