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Kuzmina R. I., Khoroshilov I. I., Chebotarev S. A. Catalytic Conversion of Ethyl Alcohol on Zeolite Catalysts. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 165-169. DOI:
Catalytic Conversion of Ethyl Alcohol on Zeolite Catalysts
This article describes the possibility of using bioethanol as a substitute for conventional fuel from petroleum feedstocks. Bioethanol obtained by fermentation from biomass is considered not only as an analogue of gasoline or a fuel additive, but also as a source of raw materials for the production of olefins, aromatic hydrocarbons and gasoline range hydrocarbons by means of catalytic conversion. At present, it is believed that the conversion of ethanol on zeolites proceeds in several stages. The reaction mechanism includes dehydration of ethanol, oligomerization of the resulting ethylene, followed by cracking and aromatization of the resulting olefins or olefinic moieties. The optimal parameters for carrying out the ethanol conversion reaction are a temperature of 350–420° C, a pressure of 0.1 to 10 MPa and a flow rate of 1–2 h-1. With increasing pressure, the selectivity for liquid products increases. The domestic catalysts NH4-CVM and Na-CVM, as well as the modified catalytic systems of 1%Gd/NH4-CVM and 1%Gd/Na-CVM were studied. The investigations were carried out on a laboratory flow-type plant with a stationary catalyst bed, in the temperature range 350–500° C. It has been experimentally established that a product with a high isoparaffin content and corresponding to the EURO-5 motor fuel standard is formed on NH4-CVM catalysts and 1Gd/NH4-CVM. The product obtained with Na-CVM catalysts and 1%Gd/Na-CVM due to the high content of aromatic hydrocarbons, including benzene, can be used to increase the octane number of motor-fuel.
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