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Goncharova O. A., Zotova O. E. Complex Assessment of the Viability and Decorativeness of Species of the Genus Crataegus L. in the Kola North Conditions. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 438-444. DOI:
Complex Assessment of the Viability and Decorativeness of Species of the Genus Crataegus L. in the Kola North Conditions
The paper presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of the viability and decorativeness of 20 samples of 17 taxa of the genus Crataegus L. when introduced into the Kola North. The study is one of the stages of a systematic description of the adaptive state of plants of the genus Crataegus when introduced into the conditions of the Far North. The main part of the studied samples are highly decorative quite viable plants that have high winter hardiness, maintain their growth shape, are able to produce germinating seeds, and have attractive inflorescences and fruits. C. chlorosarca, C. chlorosarca f. pyramidalica, C. cuneata, C. dahurica, C. douglasii, C. flabellata, C. laevigata, C. maximoviczii, C. pinnatifida, C. sanguinea, C. x schroederi. C. arnoldiana, C. canadensis and C. foetida are nonviable and undecorative plants. For the introduction of promising species of the genus Crataegus into the landscaping of cities of the Kola Peninsula, preliminary testing is required. Maintaining a highly decorative state is possible while observing the care of woody plants.
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