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Chumakov D. S., Golubev А. А., Konnova S. A., Dykman L. А., Bogatyrev V. А. Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Ionic and Colloidal Gold on the Microalga Dunaliella Salina in Microplate Test System . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp. 305-311. DOI:

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Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Ionic and Colloidal Gold on the Microalga Dunaliella Salina in Microplate Test System


Gold nanoparticles are intensively studied in biomedicine. Evaluation of their biocompatibility is highly important. In aquatic systems, microalgae, being the primary producers, are the base of the trophic webs. They are the first target for most of the pollutants present in the medium. To study the toxicity of ionic and colloidal gold on the saltwater microalga Dunaliella salina. To describe several physicochemical characteristics of nanomaterials that affect their toxicological efficiency. Cytotoxicity of HAuCl4, 15 nm citrate gold nanoparticles and 1–2 nm phosphine-stabilized gold nanoclusters was assessed. Chlorophyll content as a test –function was used. Spectrophotometric method for chlorophyll determination in vivo in suspensions of D.salina cultures was applied. Calculated EC50 48h value of ionic gold was 25,8±0,3 mg Au/L. EC50 value of phosphine-stabilized gold nanoclusters was 32,2±1,1 mg Au/L. It was not possible to calculate EC50 for citrate gold nanoparticles, as they were non-toxic at all concentrations used. Toxic effect of phosphine-stabilized gold nanoclusters disappeared after heating the suspension (107 C°, 30 min) in the presence of citric acid. It was shown that gold nanoparticles size is an important parameter underlying their cytotoxicity.

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