Cite this article as:

Selifonova E. I., Salkova D. V., Chernova R. K. Determination of Caffeine and Some Food Additives Wines, Energy and Soft Drinks. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 28-35. DOI:

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Determination of Caffeine and Some Food Additives Wines, Energy and Soft Drinks


The method of capillary electrophoresis to determine the content of caffeine and food additives: ascorbic (E300), sorbic (E200), benzoic (E210) acids; sweeteners – saccharin sodium (E954), acesulfame potassium (E 950) in wines, energy drinks and tea. The comparative characteristic of the caffeine content, and the aforementioned food additives in beverages. A comparison with the corresponding regulations. It is shown that the concentration of benzoic acid in beverages above the maximum allowable concentration in beverages Flesh and MONETO.


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