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Lobachev А. L. Determination of the Contents of Arsenic, Mercury, Copper, Nickel and Zinc in the Soil and Ventilating Emissions by Method of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 40-43. DOI:

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Determination of the Contents of Arsenic, Mercury, Copper, Nickel and Zinc in the Soil and Ventilating Emissions by Method of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)


The method of atomic absorbing spectrometry (AAS) determined the content of mobile forms of copper, nickel and zinc, and total content of mercury and arsenic in the soil samples selected in a residential zone Samara, and copper in the ventilating emissions. For soils the sample preparation stage contribution to the general error of analytical definition is estimated. For ensuring correctness definition of the content of copper in the ventilating emissions the correction coefficient considering existence of a systematic mistake is calculated.


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