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Kozyreva E. A., Boldyrev V. A. Epiphytic Lichens of Natural Park “Kumysnaya Polyana”. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 419-422. DOI:

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Epiphytic Lichens of Natural Park “Kumysnaya Polyana”


The article provides information about the epiphytic lichen flora of the Natural Park “Kumysnaya Polyana” (NP), which is located in Saratov. It is a regional SPNA (Special Protected Natural Area). The researches were conducted in forest communities of NP in 2011–2016. Standard techniques were used in the collection and identification of lichens. An index of species specificity of lichens for forophytes was calculated. An annotated list consists of 37 species and includes the information about their preferential forophytes. In general, the epiphytic lichen flora is represented by foliose and crustose lichens (18 and 13 species respectively). The highest projective cover values were noted to Physconia enteroxantha (up to 93%). Melanelixia glabra, Parmelia sulcata and Physconia enteroxantha are found in most phytocoenoses. It was found that Quercus robur is the most preferred forophyte, on which there are 26 species of lichens. It also noted the highest index of species value – 0.30. Due to the fact that there is widespread drying of oak trees and the constantly increasing anthropogenic pressures, species that prefer Quercus robur as the main forophyte are in danger of extinction. In a more favorable situation there are eurytopic species, such as Parmelia sulcata, Physcia adsendens, Physconia enteroxantha, Xanthoria parietina, which can inhabit other types of trees along with Pseudevernia furfuracea, that are recommended for inclusion in the new edition of the Red Book of the Saratov Region. These were found on the territory of the NP.


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