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Kozhevnikov Н. V., Kurylina А. F., Kravtsov А. L., Shchukovskaya Т. N., Bugorkova T. V. Flow Cytometry Investigations Indicators Light Scattering in the Heterogeneous Population Immune System Cells from Mice Immunized with F1 Capsular Antigen, Yersinia pestis. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 4, pp. 446-451. DOI:

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Flow Cytometry Investigations Indicators Light Scattering in the Heterogeneous Population Immune System Cells from Mice Immunized with F1 Capsular Antigen, Yersinia pestis


Aim – heterogeneous populations of blood leukocytes and abdomi- nal cavity of mice immunized with a capsular antigen of a plague microbe. Male mice of the BALB / c line were used in the work. The reaction of the cells of the immunophagocytic system was assessed by flow cytometry, in terms of the intensity of direct and lateral light scattering, correlating with changes in the cell volume and intracellular granularity. The information obtained in the course of the work testifies to the effectiveness of the application of selected cellular indices when assessing the level of the organism’s reactivity to antiplague vaccination.

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