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Kalyakina R. G., Bastaeva G. T., Anhalt E. M., Bastaeva G. T., Lyavdanskaya O. A. Influence of Amanita muscaria (class Agaricomycetes, fam. Amanitaceae) and Flammulina velutipes (class Agaricomycetes, fam. Physalacriaceae) on the growth and development of seedlings of Picea abies (class Pinophyta, fam. Pinaceae) and Abies sibirica (cla. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4, pp. 415-420. DOI:

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Influence of Amanita muscaria (class Agaricomycetes, fam. Amanitaceae) and Flammulina velutipes (class Agaricomycetes, fam. Physalacriaceae) on the growth and development of seedlings of Picea abies (class Pinophyta, fam. Pinaceae) and Abies sibirica (cla

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The article presents studies of the influence of Amanita muscaria and Flammulina velutipes on the growth and development of seedlings of species of the Pinaceae family. The positive effect of mycorrhization by these fungi species on the growth and development of Picea abies and Abies sibirica was established. Thus, the presence of Flammulina velutipes and Amanita muscaria in the substrate accelerated the appearance of the first shoots by 4–8 days. Mycorrhization of Amanita muscaria influenced the morphometry of the seedlings of Picea abies and Abies sibirica. The main root length changed: in Picea abies it increased by 17.2%, in Abies sibirica it decreased by 12.9%, compared with the control group. In the presence of Amanita muscaria, the length of lateral roots increased by 51.0% in Picea abies seedlings, and by 32.4% in Abies sibirica seedlings, compared with the control group. The height of the aerial part in the presence of Flammulina velutipes increased in comparison with the control group in Picea abies seedlings by 52.2% and in Abies sibirica seedlings by 18.3%. Mycorrhization of Amanita muscaria seedlings caused an increase in the stem diameter at the root collar of Picea abies seedlings by 13.6%, and Abies sibirica seedlings by 12.1%. Key words: mycorrhiza, seedlings, viability, Picea abies, Abies sibirica.

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