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Fomina N. V., Malinkina О. N., Gegel N. O., Shipovskaya A. B., Abramov А. Y. Influence of the Modifying Additive Nature on the Rheological Properties of the Concentrated Chitosan–Organic Acid–Water System. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 28-36. DOI:

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Influence of the Modifying Additive Nature on the Rheological Properties of the Concentrated Chitosan–Organic Acid–Water System


The influence of the nature of a modifying additive selected from the class of stabilizers and thickeners (high-molecular-weight chitosan, starch, xanthan gum, sorbitol, and pyridoxine hydrochloride) on the rheological properties of the concentrated chitosan–organic acid– water system (freshly prepared or stored at 4 and 20°C) was studied. It is shown that all the modifiers have a stabilizing and thickening effect, resulting in an increased viscosity of the multicomponent system and a lower rate of its fall in time. By thickening and stabilizing effects, the modifiers are in the order: xanthan > sorbitol > pyridoxine hydrochloride > starch > high-molecular-weight chitosan and sor- bitol > starch > high-molecular-weight chitosan > xanthan > pyri- doxine hydrochloride, respectively. It has been established that storage of the system at 4°C in the absence of sunlight has the greatest thickening and stabilizing effect.


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