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Strapko A. M., Kasatkin M. Y., Stepanov S. A. Light-dependent Bioelectric Activity of Wheat Seedlings. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 59-63. DOI:

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Light-dependent Bioelectric Activity of Wheat Seedlings


Was studied the peculiarities of tissue changes of bioelectric potentials of spring wheat seedlings in the early stages of ontogeny. Appreciated the contribution of the spectral composition of light and simulated drought conditions on the formation of action potentials in the tissues. It was found that the bioelectrical reaction of wheat seedlings to light exposure differs from etiolated plants and pre-lit. It shows more value to generate an action potential areas of blue and red region of the spectrum. Revealed nonspecific response to changes in the bioelectric potential in tissue simulated drought conditions.


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