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Nikiforov I. A., Krivonosov A. A. Modelling of Drying Process of Natural Gas at a Pressure of 20–25 MPa through Aluminogel and NaA 4A Zeolite. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 166-169. DOI:
Modelling of Drying Process of Natural Gas at a Pressure of 20–25 MPa through Aluminogel and NaA 4A Zeolite
Containment of water vapor in natural gas prevents its transportation and applying as an internal combustion fuel. The most demanded drying technology is adsorption at high pressure. The construction of a mathematical model for predicting the process is a significant task. Through a mathematical model of the process of water adsorption from natural gas at pressures of 20–25 MPa and temperatures of 5–40°C in the presence of NaA 4A zeolite and aluminogel, commonly used dehumidifier, optimal drying conditions were selected. The proposed model with suitable accuracy allows achieve high convergence with experimental data. The dew point –80°C using the proposed model was achieved on a NaA 4A zeolite at temperature of inlet gas 5°C, pressure 20–25 MPa.
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