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Tarasov M. A., Porshakov A. M., Kazakova L. V., Kresova U. А., Romanov R. A., Sludsky A. A. Modern Cadastre of Vectors and Other Reservoirs of Tularemia Microbe Found in Tularemia Foci of Different Types, Situated in the Territory of Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 343-349. DOI:

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Modern Cadastre of Vectors and Other Reservoirs of Tularemia Microbe Found in Tularemia Foci of Different Types, Situated in the Territory of Russia


At the present stage of the studies only Ixodidae ticks can be classed by the types of foci, being the main blood-sucking vectors of the tularemia agent. Other blood-sucking arthropods, considering the species abundance and wide-spread occurrence and certain habitat versatility, can be tularemia vectors in several or even in all types of foci. These are the following: primarily, gamaside and argasid ticks, as well as bloodsucking insects. The paper also provides the data on other animals and environmental objects, which can be reservoirs of the infection or indicators of tularemia microbe presence (antigen) in enzootic territory in natural or anthropourgic foci. During the 1930s and 50s, first investigations on the ecology of the tularemia microbe were carried out in aquatic ecosystems. They were intensified in the ensuing years. It was demonstrated that the tularemia microbe circulates in aquatic biocenoses with direct involvement of various species of hydrobionts

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