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Abramova L. M., Mustafina A. N., Karimova O. A. Ontogenetic Structure and Population Status of the Relict Species of Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb. in the Cis-Urals Republic of Bashkortostan. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 350-356. DOI:

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Ontogenetic Structure and Population Status of the Relict Species of Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb. in the Cis-Urals Republic of Bashkortostan


The results of studying the ontogenetic structure of coenopopulations of the relict species Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb. in the Bashkortostan of Republic are presented. The investigated cenopopulations growing on slopes of different exposure, with a slope of 35°, is the main type of vegetation – Helictotrichon desertorum–Stipa korshinskyi petrophyte steppe, anthropogenic load is low or medium. The overall density of the coenopopulations of H. gmelinii varies from 1,7 to 12,2 ind./m2, an effective density from 1,5 to 4,6 ind./m2. The majority of the studied coenopopulations belong to the normal incomplete, peaking at middle-generation individuals (46,1%). The ontogenetic structure of individual natural coenopopulations has two main types of spectrum: left-sided and centered. According to the classification of “delta–omega” four coenopopulations are young, three are mature. The status of coenopopulations of the relict species Hedysarum gmelinii in the Bashkortostan of Republic is stable, additional protection measures are not required in the region, so its exclusion from the number of “Red Book” species is competent. Given that the species is located in an isolated fragment away from the main area, which occupies only a few administrative areas of the Central part of the Urals, it is necessary to further monitor the status of its coenopopulations.

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