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Egorova N. Y. Ontogenetic Tactics and Strategies of Oxycoccus palustris Pers. Survival in Boggy Ecosystems of Taiga Zones (Kirov Region). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 473-480. DOI:
Ontogenetic Tactics and Strategies of Oxycoccus palustris Pers. Survival in Boggy Ecosystems of Taiga Zones (Kirov Region)
The paper presents the results of studies of Oxycoccus palustris Pers. ontogenetic tactics and strategies expressed in various types of boggy phytocoenoses of the taiga zone in the Kirov region. The morphometric variability analyses of O. palustris in studied coenopopulations showed that most of parameters vary significantly. According to vitality index (IVC) the most favourable conditions are presented in mesotrophic cotton-grass sphagnum bog and oligotrophic sphagnum bog where the index was maximum – 1.04. The least favourable conditions are marked in oligotrophic cotton-grass sphagnum bog and mesotrophic sedge-sphagnum bog where IVC reached 0.97 and 0.93 correspondingly. The index of O. palustris size plasticity is 1.12. Characteristic types of ontogenetic tactics are complex: convergent – divergent and divergent – convergent. Divergent-convergent tactics determined variability of several parameters: number of flowers on vegetative-generative ascending partial formations, number of fruits on vegetative-ge nerative ascending partial formations, inflorescence length. Convergentdivergent tactics characterise the variability of floral stem length, length of vegetative-generative ascending partial formation. Ontogenetic strategy of O. palustris shows both protective and stress components which correspond with C (violent) type of stress-tolerant ecologicalcoenotic strategy.
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