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Il’in K. K., Cherkasov D. G. Phase Diagram of the Potassium Thiocyanate – Water Binary System. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 19-22. DOI:
Phase Diagram of the Potassium Thiocyanate – Water Binary System
The phase diagram of the potassium thiocyanate–water binary system was studied by the visual polythermal method and by the method of time–temperature curves over а temperature range – 35–180 оС. There is an eutectic equilibrium at –32.6 оС in the system; the solid phases of this equilibrium are ice and individual potassium thiocyanate. The composition of the liquid phase of the eutectic state was determined.
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