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Sveshnikova E. S. Receiving Oil Sorbents from Renewable Agricultural Raw Materials. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 390-392. DOI:

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Receiving Oil Sorbents from Renewable Agricultural Raw Materials


A method is proposed for obtaining a promising cellulosecontaining oil sorbent based on the buckwheat shell and millet shell, suggesting its modification by compounds structuring the polymer followed by heat treatment. These modification methods contribute to the creation of carbon structures with controlled porosity, as well as an increase in the yield of carbonized structures after heat treatment. Sorption properties of materials based on modified plant raw materials are investigated. It is shown, that the temperature and the exposure time during heat treatment affect the particle size, surface area, volume and pore size. The highest surface area and higher sorption capacity, is achieved at a temperature of 350–450°C and with a heat treatment time of 1–2 minutes (4.7 g/g for exhaust gas and 6.0 g/g for OP for oil, 4.3 g/g for exhaust gas and 5.0 g/g for OP). The resulting sorbents have a good buoyancy reserve (~20 days), which is very important when using materials to collect contaminants from the water surface. The possibility of using the buckwheat shell and millet shell as an effective sorbent of oil and oil products, has been proved.


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