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Kolyado A. V., Alenova S. M., Garkushin I. K. Research of Phase Equilibriums in a System of Dibasic Organic Acids: Azelaic, Glutaric and Sebacic. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 270-273. DOI:
Research of Phase Equilibriums in a System of Dibasic Organic Acids: Azelaic, Glutaric and Sebacic
Presented first the results of the research of phase equilibria of threecomponent system azelaic acid – glutaric acid – sebacic acid by used the microcalorimeter heat flow. Identified eutectic composition containing azelaic acid – 33,0 wt %, glutaric acid – 54,0 wt %, sebacic acid – 13,0 wt %. The melting temperature of the alloy eutectic composition in the three-component system is 70,5 °C, the specific enthalpy of melting is 82 ± 10 J./g. The revealed composition of the low-melting mixture of the three components can be recommended for the preparation of the electrolyte used in the thin-film anodizing aluminum and its alloys.
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