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Nikitina N. V., Fartukova E. V., Kazarinov I. А., Nikitina N. V. Sorbents Based on Natural Bentonites, Modified by Polyhydroxocationes Zirconium(IV), Aluminum and Iron(III) by the «Coprecipitation» Method. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 20-?. DOI:

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Sorbents Based on Natural Bentonites, Modified by Polyhydroxocationes Zirconium(IV), Aluminum and Iron(III) by the «Coprecipitation» Method


Presently, the bentonite clays are the popular materials which used in the adsorption refining. The bentonite is characterized by the extensive surface, the high mechanical strength, also it is the cheap and affordable material. In comparison with another cheap natural sorbents, the bentonites are differenced by the high sorption capacity towards to the anions of the various salts. However, the natural bentonite undergoes modification for more effective purification. In this study, by the “coprecipitation” method the effective sorbents based on natural bentonite modified with zirconium(IV), aluminum and iron(III) polyhydrocoxocations were synthesized to increase the sorption capacity of the bentonite to the anions. For all investigated sorbents their elemental composition was studied and specific surface area for some ones was determined. As a result of the study of the sorption processon modified sorbents, it was found that the modification of bentonite by the zirconium(IV), aluminum and iron(III) compounds by the coprecipitation method leads to increase in the sorption capacity of the sorbents for chromate, arsenate and selenite anions. With thatthe samples which containing zirconium(IV) polyhydroxocations in their composition are characterized by the higher sorption properties for arsenate and selenite anions in comparison with other samples of sorbents.


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