Cite this article as:

Sevryukova G. A., Nastinova G. E., Tovmasian L. A., Sevriukova P. L. The Functional State of Systemic Hemodynamics Russian and Foreign Students at Orthostasis. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 407-411. DOI:

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The Functional State of Systemic Hemodynamics Russian and Foreign Students at Orthostasis


This work is devoted to the comparative analysis of the functional state of systemic hemodynamics in Russian and foreign students depending on the localization of the transition zone in the chest leads of ECG during the active orthostatic test. Having assessed physical development, we measured the parameters of arterial pressure and ECG using the module «Electrocardiogram» APK «Valenta». The prevalence of asthenic type of physique in foreign students against the deficiency of physical development determines the vertical position of the heart. Similar reactions of the cardiovascular system in Russian and foreign students at orthostasis indicate the influence of the local electrophysiological position of the heart, especially in groups V1-2 and with indefinite localization of the transition zone in the chest leads of ECG, on the processes of vegetative regulation of cardiac activity.


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