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Lobanova L. P., Kolesova А. Y., Alatortseva Т. А., Nurusheva I. A. The Specifics of Tobacco Gametophyte Mutations Display Depending on Temperature. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 4, pp. 420-427. DOI:

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The Specifics of Tobacco Gametophyte Mutations Display Depending on Temperature


The research of extreme low (10°С) and high (37°С) temperatures influence under in vitro conditions on phenotypic display of three mutations in Nicotiana tabacum L. with of a certain morphological type domination was conducted. The BG-141.4 line is character- ized by low-cellular embryo sacs formation, in the SG-27/4 line the trait of the increased number of nucleus and cells in embryo sacs exhibits, the line М-3 differs by high frequency of cenocyte low- cellular embryo sacs. In the mutants at ovary cultivation in a normal temperature conditions (25°С) the process of embryo sacs forma- tion was realized by its typical mode and replicated a phenotype described for plants of mutant lines, grown on the experimental field under in vivo conditions. Temperature conditions substantially modified a gametophyte mutations display, thus extremely low or extremely high temperature on embryo sacs development had distinctly expressed specificity. In three mutant lines and in control non mutant line BG-6 a low temperature in the gametogenesis depressed a mitotic divisions and cytokinesis. As a result over all lines at this temperature mode the cenocyte low-cellular embryo sacs dominated. Action of a high temperature in a gametogenesis mainly induced additional mitoses. Such effect is most distinctly observed in control and in mutant with the increased number of cells in embryo sacs, however at both low-nuclei mutants at 37°С the tendency to multinuclear embryo sacs formation also is traced. Obtained data show, that quantitative expressiveness of embryo sacs modifications under the temperature conditions substantially depends on a genotype. 

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