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Osipova K. A., Senatov D. S., Ohrimenko V. A., Aniskova Т. V. The Transformation of n-nonane in Conditions of Catalytic Cracking on ZSM-5 and V2O5/ZSM-5 Catalysts. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 252-255. DOI:
The Transformation of n-nonane in Conditions of Catalytic Cracking on ZSM-5 and V2O5/ZSM-5 Catalysts
The daily increasing demand for high-quality motor fuels requires constant improvement and modernization of existing technologies for oil refining. One of the main secondary processes of recycling hydrocarbon raw materials in industry, which allows to obtain high-octane components of automobile gasoline, valuable liquefied gases and raw materials for petrochemical industries is catalytic cracking of various types of distillate and residual raw materials. Nowadays, most catalysts of an industrial catalytic cracking contain expensive rare earth elements and platinum in its composition. Therefore, the development of lowercost, highly active and stable catalytic systems for the conversion of n-hydrocarbons is an urgent task. In this regard, the aim of this work was to study the catalytic system based on zeolite ZSM-5 (M=60), promoted by vanadium pentoxide, and to assess the impact of the modifying additive V2Oц on the transformation of n-nonan. The study was carried out on a laboratory installation with a flow-through type reactor with a stationary catalyst bed. N-hexane was used as the raw material. The analysis of the conversion of n-nonane indicates that the introduction of a modifying additive allows the production of valuable gaseous products and liquid products with a high octane number that can be used as components of motor fuels.
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