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Marakaeva A. V., Kosyreva I. V. Visual Colorimetric and Colorimetric Determination of Cefuroxime. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 16-23. DOI:

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Visual Colorimetric and Colorimetric Determination of Cefuroxime


Cefuroxime is a cephalosporin antibiotic with a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity for gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. It is in the list of vital and essential drugs for medical use. Currently, spectroscopic, chromatographic, electrochemical methods are used to determine cefuroxime. In current study we developed test agents in the form of indicator papers and powders with an immobilized Fehling reagent for the rapid determination of cefuroxime. Cellulose paper and silica gel were used as a solid matrix to create testing means. The optimal conditions for carrying out the reaction on a solid substrate were selected. Color scales are obtained for visual-colorimetric and colorimetric determination of cefuroxime using indicator papers and powders. Linear dependences of optimal color parameters on antibiotic concentration were constructed. A simple, rapid method for the determination of cefuroxime in drugs was developed. Validation of the developed test methods was carried out by the method of “introduced-found” and the spectrophotometric method. The content of cefuroxime, found using the developed test tools, corresponded to the declared one by the manufacturer (Sr does not exceed 0.14).


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