Ermolin Vladimir Pavlovich RussiaSaratovSaratov Department "GosNIORKh", Saratov, st. Chernyshevskogo N.G. 152ведущий научный сотрудник Author's articles Evaluation of Reproduction Conditions of Commercial Fish in Iriklin Reservoir to the Juvenile Fish Productivity Rare and Disappearing Species Сephalaspidomorphi and Fish to Be Included Into the Third Edition of Red Book of the Saratov Region Retrospective Analysis and the Current State of the Fauna of the Cyclostomes and Bone Fishes of the Saratov Region The Coefficient of Replenishment for the Commercial Stock of Catfish from the Release of Its Juvenile by Weighing Batch of 2 Grams in the Reservoirs of the Volga-Caspian Fishery Basin