Stepanov Michail Vladimirovich RussiaSaratovSSU. Department of Biology. Department of botany and ecology., 410012, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya str., 83, building. 5, Faculty of Biologyдоцентк.б.н Author's articles Семейство горечавковые (Gentianaceae): материалы к Красной книге Саратовской области (на основании фондов Гербария СГУ (SARAT) Изменчивость некоторых морфологических параметров прострела раскрытого и прострела лугового Potamogetonaceae in Herbarium SSU (Sarat). Part 1 Forming Strout Ability of English Rose Garden Party at the Introduction in the Botanical Garden Sgu Algae, Mossy, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperm Plant Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region Flowering Plant Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region