
Taxonomic Composition of Ground Invertebrates and Their Ratio in Different Types of Deciduous Forests within Tobolsk District of Tyumen Region

The composition and spatial distribution of the surface & litterdwelling mesofauna in leaved forests the indigenous terrace of the Irtysh river are analyzed on the basis materials of accounting for invertebrates by soil traps. The surveys were carried out in 2005–2010 in three types of forests – aspen forest, lime forest and birch forest, located within Tobolsk district of the Tyumen region (southern taiga, Western Siberia). As a result, 281 species of invertebrates were identified in forests, about 50% of which were in the families Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Linyphiidae.

Dynamics of the Number and Current State of Population Red-footed Falcon (Falco Vespertinus Linnaeus, 1766) in the North of the Lower Volga Region

The abundance dynamics of Falco vespertinus is considered on the basis of our field surveys carried out within the Saratov region and adjacent territories in 2011–2016 and analysis of the literature data. It is shown that F. vespertinus is now presented by stable populations in the spacious territory of the Trans-Volga part of the region. However, some reduction of its abundance was registered here for the last several decades of the 20th century. Currently, the falcon populations in the Volga right-bank region can be characterized as mosaic, and the F.