
Evolutionary role of apomixis: S. S. Khokhlov’s hypothesis in the light of modern data

In 1949 S. S. Khokhlov (one of the founders of the Russian scientifi c school on the problem of apomixes) proved the original conception of the progressive evolutionary role of apomixis. He contended that the basic direction of the reproductive system evolution in angiosperms is a gradual failure of sex reproduction and transition to apomixis. This hypothesis was heavily criticized and called a “scientist’s fantasy”. In the second half of the 20th century the discovery of recombination repair led to a reassessment of the role of meiosis in the evolution.

Diagnostics of Seed Reproduction Mode in Some Species Calamagrostis Adans. from Flora of Peninsula Kamchatska

The mode of seed reproduction in four species Calamagrostis of peninsula Kamchatka (Russia) flora has been examined (C. langsdorffii (Link) Trin., C. lapponica Wahl., C. neglecta (Ehrh.) Gaertn., C. sesquiflora Trin.). In C. lapponica and C. neglecta studied plants are characterized by highly degree of pollen sterility (61,2 and 24,8% respectively) and significant variation of pollen grains size (CV = 17,4 and 18,7%), which is typical for apomictic forms. The embryological particulars specific to apomictic plants were found in the analysis of female generative sphere too.

The Poa bulbosa L. Reproductive Strategy in the Steppe Phytocenoses of the Lower Volga Region

Poa bulbosa L. is a native cereal of the European and Mediterranean flora and an invasive species in North America. The study of its reproductive strategy in different environmental and climatic conditions is important for the development of effective methods of containment and prevention of invasions. Plants of two coenopopulations were investigated embryologically. In addition, the morphology of reproductive organs was analyzed in 175 herbarium specimens collected in the flora of the Lower Volga region from 1919 to 2017.

Polyembryony Phenomenon in Apomictic Maize Line in vivo and in vitro

The article is focused on studying of cytoembryological preconditions of polyembryony in the not pollinated ovary of the apomictic maize line АТ-1 under in vitro and in vivo conditions. For an assessment of a nutrient medium role in polyembryony induction a relative analysis of the embryo sacs in cultivated in vitro and native plants ovaries has been lead. Dynamics of formation in them an apomictic twin proem- bryo is traced. In the study line the cause of polyembryony can be either an independent divisions in derivatives of egg cell, or division in additional egg cells.

Saratov Scientific School by the Problems of Biology and Genetics of Plant Reproduction Systems: Achievements and Perspectives

Saratov Scientific School by Biology and Genetics of Plant Reproduction Systems was formed under the leadership of Doctors of Biology S. S. Khokhlov and V. S. Tyrnov. Most of the unique research was performed in the Laboratory of Radiation and Experimental Genetics, established in 1958. Later it was transformed into the Department of genetics and reproductive biology of the Saratov State University Botanical Garden. Over the past 60 years, Saratov scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of fundamental and applied science.


В ходе исследования семенной продуктивности при беспыльце-
вом режиме цветения и цитогенетических исследований в 250
естественных популяциях 166 видов 62 родов семейства Asteraceae
Европейской части России гаметофитный апомиксис обна-
ружен в популяциях 37 видов 20 родов. При этом гаметофитный
апомиксис обнаружен впервые у 26 видов 10 родов.

Реализация предпосылок к полиэмбрионии у апомиктичных видов мятликов

В статье представлены результаты сравнительного анализа частоты цитоэмбриологических предпосылок к полиэмбрионии и степени их реализации у трех видов мятликов с разными типами апомиксиса: Pоа badensis Haenke (диплоспория) и P. pratensis L., P. chaixii Vill. (апоспория). Установлено, что апоспорические виды мятликов обладают более высокими потенциями к истинной и ложной полиэмбрионии по сравнению с диплоспорическим видом P. badensis. У P. pratensis и P.