
Zoogeographical Analysis of Araneophauna of Steppous Plots of the Ulyanovsk Region with Data on Area Expansing of Several Species

Areal types are analyzed for spiders of stepped plots of the Ulyanovsk Region. Most of them belong to the Palaearctic ones (229 species). Trans-palaearctic (63 species), western-centralpalaearctic (50) and west palaearctic (40) areas are dominant. European eras are dominant among European-Siberian type, and west-central-Mediterranean dominate among the Mediterranean type.

The New Finds of Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) in the Volga Region Forest-steppe Zone

We present the data on six spider species of 6 families has collected in the forest-steppe zone of Samara-Volga region. This paper was compiled from field gathering conducted in the Samara region during 3 years, and starting from 2004.