
Investigation of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Fluctuating Asymmetry of Leaves of Woody Plant – Quercus castaneifolia C. A. Mey. in the City of Baku, Azerbaijan

The article presents the results of the study of morphometric and physiological parameters of the leaves of the woody plant-chestnut oak (Quercus castaneifolia S. A. Mey.). The study was conducted in Baku, which is the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to assess the bioindicative properties and prospects of using this plant in environmental monitoring and landscaping of the city. To conduct a comparative analysis of the results, leaf samples were collected in the areas of the city that differ in the degree of environmental pollution.

Phytoplankton as the Indicator of the Ecological State of Water (on the Example of the Lake Barskoye, Pskov Region)

To assess the ecological status of water bodies, phytoplankton development indicators are widely used. The article deals with the use of microalgae in the assessment of water quality using the example of the Barskoye Lake. Collection and processing of hydrobiological material were carried out in the autumn of 2016 by standard methods. Phytoplankton is represented by 76 taxa below the genus belonging to 7 divisions: Chlorophyta (30), Bacillariophyta (16), Cyanophyta/Cyanoprocaryota (12), Euglenorhyta (7), Chrysorhyta (5), Сryptоphyta (3), Dinophyta (3).