dihydroselenochromilium salts

Exploration of Possibilities for Organic Selenides and Dihydroselenochromilium Salt Interaction with Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl

Higher fungi – basidiomycetes play significant role as food and biological subjects for establishing the regularities of the living systems’ operation, development and response to the different-nature effectors impact. Insufficient activity of the living organisms’ antioxidant system interfering the ability of overcoming the negative consequences of oxidative stress (excessive level of free radicals in cells) is believed to be a reason for the organisms aging and death.

Antioxidant Status of Macrobasidiomycetes Mycelium Grown in the Presence of Organoselenium Compounds

Antioxidant status maintenance plays a significant role for mushroom cultures in respect to oxidative stress resistance, cytodifferentiation and transition to the generative stage. Strong antioxidants are the selenium compounds. One of the antioxidant action indices is the antiradical activity determined by means of the spectrophotometric method using the reactions with the free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, N,N-diphenyl-N’-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH) (C6H5) 2N– N•–C6H2(NO2) 3-2,4,6.