ecologo-phytocenotic approach

New Associations of Steppe Vegetation in National Park «Khvalynsky»

The article considers the issue of studying the steppe vegetation of the Khvalynsky National Park from the standpoint of ecologophytocenotic and ecologo-floristic approaches to the classification of vegetation. New associations Alysso tortuosi-Artemisietum salsoloidis Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco, Euphorbio glareosae-Festucetum valesiacae ass. nov. hoc loco, Artemisio marschallianae-Stipetum pennatae Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco, Astragalo varii-Bromopsietum inermis Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco, Astragalo albicaulis-Stipetum lessingianae Lysenko ass. nov.