fluctuating asymmetry

Investigation of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Fluctuating Asymmetry of Leaves of Woody Plant – Quercus castaneifolia C. A. Mey. in the City of Baku, Azerbaijan

The article presents the results of the study of morphometric and physiological parameters of the leaves of the woody plant-chestnut oak (Quercus castaneifolia S. A. Mey.). The study was conducted in Baku, which is the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to assess the bioindicative properties and prospects of using this plant in environmental monitoring and landscaping of the city. To conduct a comparative analysis of the results, leaf samples were collected in the areas of the city that differ in the degree of environmental pollution.

Bioindication of Environmental Quality of the Yakutsk City Administrative Districts on the Basis of Leaf Fluctuating Asymmetry and Seed Quality of the Silver Birch Betula pendula Roth

The environmental quality in the territory of Yakutsk city has been assessed by the leaf fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and seed quality (germinating capacity and germination energy) of the silver birch Betula pendula Roth. A total of 2,300 birch leaves were collected at 25 sites in vicinity of roadways and 21 samples of seeds were collected in the same sites. FA level at different sites varied within 0.042–0.057, which implies that the environmental quality varied from relatively normal to critical.

Fluctuating asymmetry of pholidosis in grass snakes found on four areas of the Republic of Tatarstan is considered in this article. We carried out the statistical analysis of asymmetrical traits and counted the integral characteristics of fluctuating asym

Fluctuating asymmetry of pholidosis in grass snakes found on four areas of the Republic of Tatarstan is considered in this article. We carried out the statistical analysis of asymmetrical traits and counted the integral characteristics of fluctuating asymmetry. Asymmetry of pholidosis was observed in 32% of individuals. Asymmetry in features which are characterized by highest diversity (temporal, postorbital and sublabial scutes) is more common. There are no statistically significant sex, age or population differences in the values of fluctuating asymmetry.