г. Саратов

Изменение пищевого спектра муравьев рода Formica s. str. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) на территориях Саратовской области с антропогенной нагрузкой

Ants are essential component of ecosystems. They participate in soil formation, regulate the number of insects and spread the seeds of plants. The species of the genus Formica are most noticeable in the forests of the middle zone of Russia. The number and diversity of the prey of ants decreases in the areas experiencing a recreational load. The study was conducted on the territory of the natural park “Kumysnaya Polyana” (Saratov). The forest park is experiencing an anthropogenic load because it is located on the territory of a large industrial center – the city of Saratov. To study the Н.

Features Nutrition of Ants of Formica Genus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the Forest Biotopes in the Vicinity of Saratov

Ants are essential component of ecosystems. They participate in soil formation, regulate the number of insects and spread the seeds of plants. The species of the genus Formica are most noticeable in the forests of the middle zone of Russia. The number and diversity of the prey of ants decreases in the areas experiencing a recreational load. To study the feeding characteristics of ants food objects brought in the anthill were seized. Invertebrates from 12 taxonomic groups were recorded in the prey.

Дополнение к растительности малых искусственных водоемов г. Саратова

В статье приводятся данные о 24 новых ассоциациях водной растительности, ранее не указанных для малых искусственных водоемов г. Саратова. Полученные сведения расширяют представления о синтаксономическом разнообразии растительности прудов г. Саратова.