
Chlorophyllin Inhibits Chemiluminescence That Accompanies a Quasi-Hypoxygenase Reaction Catalyzed by the Cytochrome c-Cardiolipin Complex

Lipid peroxidation is a key factor in programmed cell death of various etiologies. This process also occurs when ionizing radiation acts on biological systems. It is the essence of the theory of lipid radiotoxins, which is part of the structural and metabolic theory of the biological action of ionizing radiation. Non-enzymatic lipid peroxidation eventually leads to death by the mechanism of ferroptosis, while enzymatic lipid peroxidation, catalyzed by the cytochrome c-cardiolipin complex, triggers apoptosis along the mitochondrial pathway.

Heterogeneity of Bodies Wheat under the Maintenance of Pigments Photosynthesis

Data by definition of the maintenance of pigments of photosynthesis (a chlorophyll and carotenoid) in leaves and top междоузлии a stalk of summer soft wheat at the moment of flowering are cited. Distinction by quantity of pigments in different zones of a plate top leaf at investigated grades is established: a chlorophyll – 0,72–5,1; carotenoid – 0,37– 1,3 mg/g of fresh weight. Increase of the maintenance of pigments from bottom to the top zone of a vagina top leaf and междоузлия is revealed.


Проанализированы рост и развитие зародышевой корневой системы группы сортов
яровой мягкой пшеницы. Длина зоны роста составляет от 8 до 2,5 мм, уменьшаясь у
всех зародышевых корней по мере удлинения корня. Величина корнеобеспеченности
проростков пшеницы существенно снижается при повышении температуры. Выявле-
ны существенные сортовые различия в содержании хлорофиллов и каротиноидов в
пластинке листа.