
Researching the Oxidation Process of Sulfur-Alkalaine Sewage Components Using Ni2+ Catalyst – Containing Galvanic Wastewater

The effect of different concentrations of nickel (II) ions on the oxidation rate of mixed wastewater pollutants with ozone-air mixture for 30 minutes with an ozone concentration of 3 mg/l was studied. It was shown that adding nickel (II) ions at a concentration of 300 mg/l reaches the maximum degree purification of wastewater as a result of oxidative processes on the COD value, equal to 40.4%, which is 10.1% more compared to the catalytic oxidation of the investigated wastewater pollutants with the air oxygen participation.

Polymeric Sorbents for the Collection of Oil and Oil Products from the Surface of Reservoirs: a 2000–2017 Review of the Russian-language Literature (Part 3)

The Russian 2000–2017 scientific, technical and patent literature devoted to the problems of the development and practical applications of polymeric sorbents for the collection of spilled oil and oil products from the surface of reservoirs and for the purification of hydrocarbon-containing aquatic environments was searched and analyzed.

Ethanol Conversion on Zeolites

The possibility of converting the biomass to products of petrochemical synthesis is shown. The analysis of the development of the synthesis of catalysts for production of motor fuels from bioethanol is carried out. By varying the composition of the catalysts and the process conditions can be synthesized gasoline range hydrocarbons, ethylene, aromatic hydrocarbons. A scheme for the conversion of ethanol to hydrocarbons of various classes is discussed.