ion associate

On the Interaction of the Phosphoric Molybdenum Acid with the α-Amino Acids and Possible Applications of the Reaction Products in Ionometry

The conditions of synthesis of ion associates of phosphorus-molybdenum ions with protonated form of lysine hydrochloride have been considered. It has been shown that the phosphoric molybdenum acid undergoes hydrolysis with the formation of the following products: НРО42– + Мо12О42– + 11Н2О. At pH 2 in aqueous solutions, the PhMA is stable, exists as anion [РМо12О42]3– and interacts with protonated form of lysine with the formation of associates 3[НLys]+[FMC]3–.

On Interaction of Synthetic Food Dye E133 with Cetylpiridinium Cations

Synthetic food colorings (SPK) are widely used to impart consumer properties to food. But. many of them are allergens. Therefore, their definition in food objects is relevant. The rapid method of determining the SPK is ionometry. It is based on the use of ion- selective electrodes. Such an electrode for determining the food coloring E133 is not described in the literature. The purpose of this work is the study of the ionophore. Used to determine the E133 in a variety of food products.