
Hormonal Regulation of Morphogenesis in the Culture of Mature Embryo in the Maize Parthenogenetic Line АТТМ (bm, wx, y)

The article presents the results of the search for the optimal hormonal composition of the nutrient medium for the induction of direct organogenesis in the culture of mature embryos of the maize homozygous line ATTM (bm, wx, y). The mature embryos isolated from kernels were used as the primary explant. The 11 media variants were tested for induction of direct organogenesis: MS without hormones (control) and with phytohormones in different concentrations and combinations.

Induction of Direct Organogenesis in the Culture of Mature Embryo in Maize

Regeneration of plants in vitro through direct organogenesis allows the avoidance of somaclonal variation. The aim of our study was the induction of direct organogenesis in the culture of mature embryo in maize lines created at Saratov State University: ATTM (bm, wx, y), ATTM (bm, y), ATTM (bm, g, V-type CMS), AT-3 (4n). These lines are characterized by genetic predisposition to parthenogenesis. The mature embryos isolated from sterile grains were used as a primary explant.

Introduction to Culture in vitro of Corn Parthenogenetic Lines

Many modern selection technologies are based on the use of haploid plants as a starting material. The spontaneous frequency of haploid development is very low (0.01–0.1%). In this regard, the creation of plant forms with increased frequency of parthenogenesis is important. The collection of corn lines with an increased frequency of haploid plants in the progeny was created at the Department of Genetics of the Saratov State University. High costs are required for maintain of a plant collections in the field.

Polyembryony Phenomenon in Apomictic Maize Line in vivo and in vitro

The article is focused on studying of cytoembryological preconditions of polyembryony in the not pollinated ovary of the apomictic maize line АТ-1 under in vitro and in vivo conditions. For an assessment of a nutrient medium role in polyembryony induction a relative analysis of the embryo sacs in cultivated in vitro and native plants ovaries has been lead. Dynamics of formation in them an apomictic twin proem- bryo is traced. In the study line the cause of polyembryony can be either an independent divisions in derivatives of egg cell, or division in additional egg cells.