
Изменение пищевого спектра муравьев рода Formica s. str. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) на территориях Саратовской области с антропогенной нагрузкой

Ants are essential component of ecosystems. They participate in soil formation, regulate the number of insects and spread the seeds of plants. The species of the genus Formica are most noticeable in the forests of the middle zone of Russia. The number and diversity of the prey of ants decreases in the areas experiencing a recreational load. The study was conducted on the territory of the natural park “Kumysnaya Polyana” (Saratov). The forest park is experiencing an anthropogenic load because it is located on the territory of a large industrial center – the city of Saratov. To study the Н.

Features Nutrition of Ants of Formica Genus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the Forest Biotopes in the Vicinity of Saratov

Ants are essential component of ecosystems. They participate in soil formation, regulate the number of insects and spread the seeds of plants. The species of the genus Formica are most noticeable in the forests of the middle zone of Russia. The number and diversity of the prey of ants decreases in the areas experiencing a recreational load. To study the feeding characteristics of ants food objects brought in the anthill were seized. Invertebrates from 12 taxonomic groups were recorded in the prey.

Acoustic Communication Signals between Ants of the Genus Formica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Myrmecophilous Beetles of the Genus Scydmaenus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

In the article was given the mathematical approaches to classification and clustering of data of acoustic signals in communication between myrmecophilic beetles (Scydmaenus hellwigii) and ants (Formica rufa). For the first time for these species were used a cluster analysis which revealed four clusters, each of them has its own command from the beetle to the ant. Each command was defined by specific ranges of dominant frequencies and a range of medium amplitudes (the values of the parameters R).

Biology Features of Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the National Park «Khvalynsky» (Saratov Region)

Ants are essential component of ecosystems. Their success is due to the social organization, the ability to alter habitat and use a variety of food resources. Food objects of ants are not large invertebrates, seeds of plants and honeydew aphids. The activity of ant in community dedicated to different time slots. We have founded the dominant group of ants in size in the studied associations (Tetramorium caespitum – in forest; Lasius alienus and species of the genus Myrmica – in steppe). Installed the fauna of 5 living in the ant nests of studied species.

Trophobiotic Associations between Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and Aphids (Hemiptera, Aphidomorpha) in South Zauralye

Trophobiosis with aphids producing honeydew, which is one of the main energetic resources for ants, plays an important role in their life. These are the first data on the trophobiotic as- sociations between ants and aphids in South Zauralye. Investigations were carried out in the most typical biotopes for the region (forest, meadow, steppe and antropogenic biotopes) in 2006–2013. Trophobiotic interactions with aphids are revealed for 17 ant species from two subfamilies: Formicinae (Formica – 7 species, Lasius – 3, Camponotus – 3) and Myrmicinae (Myrmica – 4).

Особенности суточной активности муравьев (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) в Саратовской области

Активность муравьев, как и большинства видов беспозвоночных, зависит от температуры окружающей среды. Сведения о зависимости интенсивности фуражировки муравьев конкретного местообитания от температуры представляют несомненный интерес для лесного хозяйства. Проведено наблюдение за активностью трех видов муравьев. Пахучий муравей–древоточец (Lasius fuliginosus) и рыжий лесной муравей (Formica rufa) – виды с дневным типом активности, а луговой муравей (F. pratensis) – с утренне-вечерним типом.

Зоогеографическая характеристика муравьев (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Южного Зауралья

Обобщены данные по фауне муравьев и их распространению на территории Южного Зауралья. Основу мирмекофауны региона составляют представители трех родов: Formica (33.3%), Myrmica (23%) и Lasius (16.7%). По широтной составляющей ареала преобладают виды с температным (41.6%), суббореальным (20.9%) и бореальным (16.6%) распространением. Температно-субтропические, аркто-температные и аркто-бореальные виды составили лишь 8.3; 8.3 и 4.2% соотвественно. По долготной составляющей ареала преобладают западно-центрально-палеарктические (50%) и транспалеарктические (35.4%) виды.