памятники природы

Characteristics of Plants Communities with the Participation of HalocnemumStrobilaceum (Pall.) Bieb. in Saratov Region

In this article the characteristic of plant communities with the participation of Halocnemum strobilaceum in Saratov region is considered. The information about vegetation composition, structure and rare plants species is provided. The environmental significance of the territory is evaluated and the recommendations for inclusion it’s in the new integrated natural monuments of the region are given.

To the Question of Conservation of the Unique Halophytic Vegetation of the Saratov Region

In this article the halophytic vegetation characteristic of three unique for the Saratov region territories is considered. The information about vegetation composition, structure and rare plants species is provided. The environmental significance of each territory is evaluated and the recommendations for inclusion it’s in the new integrated natural monuments of the region are given.

Current State of «Elizavetinskie Mountan Steppes»: Results of 45-years Investigation (Sverdlovsk Oblast)

Current state of the relict fragment of steppe vegetation in boreal zone was studied. At the same time the changes that have been happening during the last 45 years were revealed. Species composition stability and area reduction of the studied fragment as a consequence of Pinus sylvestris expansion were shown.