
The Impact of Aquatic Environments with Dissolved Synthetic Surface-Active Substances on Aquatic Plants

Based on the identification and characteristics of the response of aquatic plants to spav-containing drugs, the potential danger of possible contamination of the aquatic environment with spav was assessed. The extent of damage from the effects of spavcontaining drugs on aquatic plants was determined using aquatic plants Elodea сanadensis Michx.(1802), Potamogeton perfoliatus L. (1753), Myriophyllum spicatum L. (1753), Najas minor All. (1773) and Lemna minor L. (1753).

Assessment of Self-purification of the Volga River Near the City of Saratov

Assess the degree of pollution and natural purification of the water environment of the Volga river near the city of Saratov. Defined indexes pollution and natural purification of the water and set classes quality of the aquatic environment.